Dear all, it’s been quite a while since we posted anything online. Our initial intention of taking a “short break” for Chinese New Year morphed into 3 family emergencies plus #COVID19. Anyway, after the initial shock & mad scrabbles for NEW collection, we are happy to report that we’ve found our feet ... kind of … we’re learning new ways of doing business yet again!
We’ll be loading more fashion photos from now on & if there are styles you’re interested in, do pm us to reserve your size. For this season, we’ll throw in free delivery if you’re in Singapore, but please give us some time to get your orders out to you! Otherwise, if you’re healthy (as we are!) we encourage you to visit our shops coz you get to fit and feel our clothes on you!
One last thing, in the midst of our struggles, we were invited to join hands with a group of local business who have come together to help each other by sharing ideas, cross promotion and marketing. We are hoping to benefit from the wisdom & experiences of others and also hopefully everyone onboard reaps economies of scale. A Facebook page has been created to help blast promos for local businesses. Do support, follow, like and share as we navigate ourselves out of these tumultuous times. #SupportSGbiz